Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Thankful For A Normal Anatomy Scan

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 03:47 0 comments
   Today was a blessed rainy day! 😊 Together with my two kids, we went to the hospital for my scheduled anatomy scan. The two were so happy and excited while we were on the way knowing they will see their baby sister once again.

The Anatomy Scan

   Had my weight measured, blood pressure and urine test which were the usual routine for every antenatal visit. I now weigh 62.6 kilograms, wow! Last time I measured like around 59 kilograms only! 😊 That just simply mean that I am gaining more pounds in there, and that my baby is growing!
   My blood pressure was normal followed by a normal urine test, too. 

  The scan was performed by two doctors. I remember with my last pregnancy, had it performed by one doctor alone. For today, it was performed by the lady doctor first then followed by the male doctor who did the same monitoring and measuring of the baby. I think it is much better having it done by a team of two doctors so to give them a more accurate results on how the baby is developing in there, somewhat more reassurance, too, that everything is going exactly the way it should be.

   Thanks be to God, I'm so grateful to have been told everything was normal after the scan. It was the same male doctor who performed my previous ultrasound a month back. He told me once again that it's a baby girl, which was confirmed by the lady doctor afterwards.

   During the ultrasound, my two kids who were both seated beside me were happily giggling as the doctor points out at every baby part. When the doctor points to the head, they will say "there's the head!". :) Big brother Moses was paying close attention to every detail, when the doctor pointed at the baby's eyes, he was saying "I can't see it!". The Ultrasound room was filled with excitement, it was fun! 😊

Baby's loving big sister and brother! 👧💖👦
Happy big sister, while the sweet big brother is already in love with his baby sister... 😍

   Just to share, here is what anatomy scan is all about:

   These days, it's pretty much routine for women in their second trimester to be scheduled for a level 2 ultrasound, commonly called the 20-week anatomy scan or what they also call the anomaly or morphology scan.


Virtually all practitioners order an ultrasound anatomy scan for all their moms-to-be. Even if you had a first-trimester (level 1) sonogram to confirm or date your pregnancy, or as part of a first-trimester screening test, the more detailed level 2 sonogram is important because of all the additional valuable information it gives your practitioner about what's going on with your baby.

An Ultrasound Room


Most anatomy scans are performed in the second trimester of pregnancy, typically at 20 weeks but they can be done anytime between 18 weeks and 22 weeks. If you have a condition that needs to be monitored (such as carrying multiples), you may have more than one detailed ultrasound.


To get the most comprehensive anatomy assessment, the sonographer will be aiming for many different views from lots of different angles. When the technician gets a clear shot, he or she will freeze-frame the picture (that's the actual sonogram) and then measure a specific part of the body. During the scan, you may be able to spot your baby's beating heart, the curve of the spine, and the face, arms and legs. You may even catch sight of your baby sucking a thumb.

You'll recline on an exam table with your tummy exposed, and a sonographer will apply gel and then move a wand (transducer) over your abdomen. As sound waves emitted from the transducer bounce off internal organs and fluids inside, a computer converts them into a 2-dimensional image (or cross-sectional view) of the fetus on a screen. Sometimes 3D or even 4D ultrasound technology is used instead of 2D.

Settle in to enjoy the show: The detailed level 2 scan can take 30 to 45 minutes (depending on how cooperative your little one wants to be).


A level 2 ultrasound focuses closely on fetal anatomy to be sure everything is growing and developing as it should; images are much clearer and more detailed than the fuzzy ultrasound you got in your first trimester. Your baby will be measured from crown to rump, around the middle, and around the head, and his or her weight will be estimated. The four chambers of the heart will be looked at, as well as the kidneys, bladder, stomach, brain, spine and sex organs. The sonographer will also be looking at your amniotic fluid levels, the location of the placenta and fetal heart rate.

A level 2 scan also checks for hard and soft markers, characteristics that may indicate an increased risk of a chromosomal abnormality. Important to know before you head into your scan: Very few babies showing soft markers (choroid plexus cyst, echogenic foci or pyelectasia, to name an unpronounceable few) end up having an abnormality. In fact, these markers are spotted on as many as 11 to 17 percent of all healthy babies — good reason not to worry if one is spotted on your baby's scan. Your practitioner will let you know whether any follow-up testing is necessary (it often isn't).

Be aware that a level 2 ultrasound can also tell you the sex of your baby if you haven't already found out through noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) or a CVS, though with less than 100 percent reliability and depending on baby's cooperation. Remember: Be sure to tell your sonographer if you don't want to know!


There are no significant risks associated with ultrasounds, though medical guidelines caution against unnecessary exposure to ultrasound — which is why your practitioner will schedule only a handful of them throughout your pregnancy. If you're concerned about the upcoming picture show (and what those grainy images reveal), talk to your practitioner about what he or she is looking for. Chances are you'll come away enlightened (and relieved).

Data Sources: What To Expect -> https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-health/prenatal-testing-level-two-ultrasound-anatomy-scan/

Photo courtesy of:
-> http://aboutspinabifida.blogspot.hk/2012/06/prenatal-testing-diagnosis.html
-> http://www.womensultrasound.com.au/detection-of-down-syndrome-with-ultrasound-at-12-weeks-of-pregnancy.html
-> http://theleakyboob.com/tag/ultrasound/

Friday, 14 July 2017

21 Weeks! A Handful Of Happiness, A Heartful Of Love 💖

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 05:36 0 comments
    Just turned 21 weeks pregnant yesterday. I feel like days are going so fast especially at 2nd trimester. Have been feeling stronger baby movements here and there lately, too! Every time, I share this wonderful moment with my two kids and both are always happy and excited to feel their little baby sister. :)

   God willing this Tuesday, 18th of July, I will be having my structural scan. Together, we're all excited to see our precious cutie once again! 

   To share, this scan takes a closer look at the baby and the uterus (womb). The person carrying out the scan (sonographer) will check that the baby is developing normally, and will then look at where the placenta is lying in the uterus. This detailed ultrasound scan, sometimes called the mid-pregnancy or 20-weekscan, also known as "Morphology or Anatomy Ultrasound" is usually carried out when you are between 18 and 21 weeks pregnant.

My 21 weeks baby bump! 😍
 A bun in my oven :)
💖  With my little girl! A handful of happiness, a heartful of love💖
Hi there my baby! 💖

   Let's take a peek on what's happening this week:

Inside the Womb at 21 Weeks

Photo courtesy of Babycenter
Photo courtesy of The Bump
Baby on day 148 - Photo courtesy of Nurture App
Photo courtesy of The Parent
Photo courtesy of Pregnancy App
Photo courtesy of Your Baby Library

Child length: approximately 10.5 inches (about the size of a carrot)

Child weight: 12.7 oz

At this stage: Wondering what’s going on with your 21-week fetus? Your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, while hair on the scalp becomes more visible. This is perhaps the most wonderful milestone this week, as it makes your baby look even more real. 

Thinking if your baby can see by this point? The eyes are still closed this week, but they are rather sensitive to light, and may look away when you flash bright light in your abdomen.

In other developments, the fingernails now completely cover the tips of your baby's fingers, but they're still not long enough. Your baby's circulatory system is fully functional by now.

Your baby's taste buds develop. Speaking of carrots, if you eat one this week, there's a good chance your baby will taste it too. That's because when you're 21 weeks pregnant, your baby swallows a bit of amniotic fluid each day — not only for nutrition and hydration, but also to practice swallowing and digesting, skills he'll need as soon as he arrives in your arms. And keep this in mind: The taste of the amniotic fluid differs from day to day depending on what you've eaten (spicy enchilada one day, sweet banana the next).

If you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form. As baby's digestive system preps for the outside world, he or she's manufacturing meconium—the tarry black substance you'll find in the first dirty diaper.

Part of your baby's growth spurt at this point is likely because his stomach is now equipped to start absorbing energy-boosting nutrients from the amniotic fluid he's swallowing in there. Most of your baby's nourishment is still coming directly from the placenta, though.
Baby's getting coordinated, your little action figure is able to choreograph Matrix-like moves at 21 weeks pregnant. Arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone. All these upgrades combine to give your baby more control over limb movements, which explains all that kicking, stretching and bodysurfing (or rather bellysurfing) you may have started feeling.

You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. Sleeping patterns start to form at this week, too, as your child learns to sleep a whopping 20 hours a day!

Your Body

This week, you may look in the mirror and wonder, “Where did I go?!” By the time you reach 21 weeks pregnant, you may have gained around 13 to 14 pounds, and around 21 pounds if you’re 21 weeks pregnant with twins.

Your newfound curves might have you feeling super sexy and confident—after all, you’re the center of attention wherever you go! But the extra weight also might have you feeling… fat. (You’re not—you’re pregnant!) Remind yourself, you’re supposed to be gaining this weight! It’s good for you and for baby.

In fact, all the weight you gain during pregnancy isn’t just padding for baby—it all serves a really important purpose. Here’s a logical way to think of it: Of the approximately 30 pounds you’ll gain throughout your pregnancy, there’s a whole lot more than fat. Here’s what makes up that weight:

An average full-term baby = 7.5 pounds
Placenta = 1.5 pounds
Uterus = 2 pounds
Amniotic fluid = 2 pounds
Maternal stores of fat, protein, and other nutrients (needed for breastfeeding!) = 7 pounds
Breast tissue (also for BFing, of course) = 2 pounds
Increased fluid volume = 4 pounds
Increased blood volume = 4 pounds

See? All those pounds are doing a lot of good, keeping baby alive and healthy—and storing up good stuff to nourish him or her after birth.

Any time you’re feeling a little meh about your body, think of all the amazing things it’s doing! Now, at 21 weeks, fetal movement is noticeable—and baby has reflexes too! If you gently press your palm on your belly, you might feel a little push back. So cool!

Days left to birth: 133 days left (53% of your pregnancy is completed)

Due date: 23 November 2017

Data Sources: Babycenter, The Bump, What To Expect, Parents.com, Due Date Calculator (YourDueDate.com), What To Expect, Pregnancy App


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