Saturday 3 February 2018

Rachel Zoe's 3 Months Old! Where Did The Time Go?

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 23:31 0 comments
   Rachel Zoe is 3 months old (3Feb2018). Time flies! Can't believe our baby girl is 3 months old already. It really feels like we just left the hospital not long ago. ^_^ It's been three wonderful months filled with love, joy and laughter. Three beautiful months of solely breastfeeding my precious little one. Thanks be to God!

Hi there! I'm 3 month old! 😍
Just precious! 💖
What a 3 months it has been...
With her favorite snuggle buddy, Lola 💖
Look up, look up! 😊
Surrounded by love 💖
Wondering if I can blow that candle now... ^_^ 
Sure! All together, let's blow the candle to celebrate another milestone! 😊

   Our little baby's developing a little personality. This is an adorable and special time for us to see our precious baby’s characteristics coming to life. She easily gets bored when she's alone and has no one to talk too, or when she's not doing anything. She loves it when we talk to her, responds in her own little way, cooing here and there. Her favorite words were "ma" and "akuu". 

Our pretty little girl 😍 (At 10 Weeks - 12Jan2018)
Such a cutie! (At 10 Weeks 6 Days - 18Jan2018)
 Look at those big, round eyes! ^_^ (At 11 Weeks 4 Days - 23Jan2018)
Dad always say I got a double chin, is it really that obvious? ^_^
 (At 11 Weeks 5 Days - 24Jan2018)
The cutest baby pout! (At 10 Weeks 6 Days - 18Jan2018)
A smile for you 😍

   Her eyes are filled with awe every time we make funny, silly faces. She's all smiles and starts to make regular faces and sounds as well. She blows bubbles when she's happy and makes noises like "ah", too! I have read from a recent study that babies who display other complex mouth movements like licking their lips or blowing bubbles also referred to as "blowing raspberries" tend to pick up language more quickly as toddlers.

Giggles! =D (At 10 Weeks 6 Days - 18Jan2018)
Blowing raspberries! ^_^ (Taken today 4Feb2018)
Keep calm and say "beh!" 😋 (At 11 Weeks 4 Days - 23Jan2018)
What's up?! (At 10 Weeks 4 Days - 16Jan2018)
Oh, did I just wave? ^_^ (At 12 Weeks - 26Jan2018)
Seriously? :) (At 10 Weeks - 12Jan2018)
I feel bored when I'm not doing anything...

   Rachel's also getting interested in the world around her. At 10 weeks, we tried to place her in front of the TV and surprisingly, she loves it.  She has lots of bright things to look at now. She loves staring at the colorful characters and is fascinated with the movements. She's alert and curious with the colors on the screen. Her very first watched TV show was Hey Duggee. She loves watching Teletubbies, too. She also loves it when her big sister plays music and sing songs to her, especially that of "Lavenders Blue Dilly Dilly", dances in front of her, or when they watch My Little Pony on the phone together.

Seriously watching TV ^_^ (At 10 Weeks 4 Days - 16Jan2018)
Fell asleep while watching :)
The very first time she was placed on her bouncer (At 10 Weeks 2 Days - 14Jan2018)
My big sister playing "happy, sad face" with me 💖 (At 11 Weeks 6 Days - 25Jan2018)
She helps me fall asleep. She's the sweetest big sister in the world! 😍
 Selfie with my big sister Amber 💖

   Just like me, my little girl loves books, too! She enjoys it when I read a story to her. She likes the colorful photos! 

Very attentive :) (At 12 Weeks 6 Days - 1Feb2018)
Hello there! :)
Selfie after bedtime reading =D

   Aside from watching, listening to music and reading, another daily activity that she loves is playing. She's excited every time I place her on the baby gym, always kicking and punching here and there. She'll always reach out to those dangling toys above her. I always position them over her chest so she can easily reach them. Another toy that keeps her busy and entertained was her crinkle toy monkey which makes a crinkle sound. She loves bath time fun as well!

I love playing on my baby gym 😍 (At 8 Weeks - 29Dec2017)
Kicking is one of my morning exercises! :) (At 10 Weeks 4 Days - 16Jan2018)
Having fun on my baby gym =) 
That's my crinkle toy monkey! ^_^ (At 10 Weeks 5 Days - 17Jan2018)
   When it comes to feeding, I'm nursing her on demand whether we're in or out of the house as every day we go out to take her big sister to school bus, and her big brother to school. She will nurse right away as soon as I place her on the carrier, easily fall asleep afterwards. She poops every 2 days and at times takes 4-7 days to come out, I have read it's just normal for breastfed babies as the nutrients in breast milk is easily absorbed than formula fed ones.

Feeding from the heart 💖 (At 11 Weeks - 19Jan2018)
Nursing mom on the go! 😊 (At 12 Weeks - 26Jan2018)
Sleeping Beauty 😍
Such a sweet face...
Just contented after every feeding, sleeps right away... 💖
Brave and strong breastfed baby in here! 😍 (At 11 Weeks 4 Days - 23Jan2018)

   About mood issues, there were certain nights of crying episodes which started when she was 6 weeks old that occurs anywhere between 9 to 11 in the evening. There were moments that she keeps on being fussy around that time were it's hard to calm her down. Sounds as colic from what I've read as she's also passing gas when she cries just like she's in pain at times.  I just  rub some oil on her tummy, then give her a warm massage afterwards, some extra cuddles from me and her Dad as well to comfort her. While during the day, she usually passed gas without any mood issues.

Mom says I'm still cute even when I'm crying ^_^ (At 10 Weeks 1 Day - 13Jan2018)
I'm about to cry in here... (At 10 Weeks 6 Days - 18Jan2018)
Now tell me, do I still looked cute? 😊
So it's just ok to cry then if I do still looked cute... ^_^ (At 10 Weeks 6 Days - 18Jan2018)

   I have read that as long as you have done the right thing, all is well with her feeding, burping, has clean nappy and she's not too hot or cold, is just normal at this stage as from what I've read, babies usually release their tensions during the night. I've also read that after crying to release stresses, babies are often relaxed, calm, alert, and happy, or may fall into a peaceful sleep.

Mood after feeding (At 9 Weeks 3 Days -8Jan2018)
 Getting bigger everyday (At 9 Weeks 4 Days - 9Jan2018)
Practicing thumbsucking! (At 11 Weeks 5 Days - 24Jan2018)
Almost there to perfection! :) (At 11 Weeks 4 Days - 23Jan2018)
Do I look cute on this hairdo? 😍 (At 10 Weeks 1 Day - 13Jan2018)
Wearing my big brother's cute baby outfit in here. Looked good on me, fits me well! 😍
(At 12 Weeks - 26Jan2018)
Hello there! =) (Taken today 4Feb2018)

   Regarding her sleeping patterns, thankful that Rachel sleeps straight through the night which she has learnt from birth. She sleeps soundly as soon as I lay down beside her. When it comes to night time feeding, I just breastfeed her in side lying position then both of us goes back to sleep again. The next day, she will only wake up in the morning when I get off the bed or the moment she felt that I'm no longer beside her. She's very alert with that, but as long as I'm beside her, the longer she will sleep.

Early evening... Zzzzzzz! (At 9 Weeks 4 Days - 9Jan2018)
 I love my pyjamas 💖 (At 12 Weeks - 26Jan2018)
Selfie before going to sleep... ^_^
Nighttime with my breastfeeding buddy! 💖 (At 13 Weeks - 2Feb2018)
Woke up happy! =) (At 12 Weeks 2 Days - 28Jan2018)

   I remember way back when I'm still pregnant, she can easily sense it when I get off the bed or when she hears my voice. With just the littlest move I make, l can feel her moving in my tummy right away. I even told her Dad back then that when our baby's born, we'll have a very alert baby and I was right.

At 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant here... Oh how time flies! :) (5Oct2017)
At the park with Mom, Dad and big brother Moses 💖 Big sister took the photo... (28Jan2018)
 Catching some rays at the park one fine morning...(At 10 Weeks 4 Days - 16Jan2018)
Nursing while we're waiting for big sister Amber's bus service (At 10 Weeks 6 Days -18Jan2018)

   During daytime, she sleeps most of the day as well but she is easily startled with noise when I am not beside her or when she is sleeping alone in bed. Cries and fuss when she only gets short naps, I'll just nurse her and she'll easily get back to sleep again. She sleeps soundly when we're outside, loves the cold weather. It soothe her.

Warmly snuggled! ^_^ (At 9 Weeks 4 Days - 9Jan2018)
Sleeping soundly... (At 8 Weeks 5 Days - 3Jan2018)
Shhhhh! Our baby bear is sleeping... 💖 (At 12 Weeks 2 Days - 28Jan2018)
Priceless! 💖

   We gave her very first vitamin drop around 12 weeks. Having that new taste gave her a strange look but I think she likes it afterwards.
Had my very first vitamin drop in here (At 11 Weeks 6 Days - 25Jan2018)
What's that taste?
Mmmm... It tastes good! ^_^

   Rachel's growing up so fast! Where did the time go? For now, I will just enjoy every moment of everyday while she's this small.  

Mommy's little lady 😍 (3Feb2018)
Such a happy little fella! 😊
Love her every minute of every day... 💖
Thankful for every day that I get to spend time with her! 👩💖👶
 Happy and healthy! A million thanks to God! 💖

"Enjoy each and every single day with your little ones. It's not every day that they are babies."

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