Monday 4 November 2013

Finally, Our Lil' Guy Born at 39 Weeks! :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 05:04

The Birth Story of Neil Moses
Repost via Babycenter (November 2013 Birth Club)

Date of Birth: 11/04/2013
Original Due Date: 11/11/2013
Weeks Pregnant: 39 weeks
Baby's Weight: 8 lbs 39 oz

  Sunday around 5:30 early morning after I peed, a gush of liquid came out. I've never experienced urinary incontinence and that I can always control my bladder so I was thinking that it might be my amniotic fluid. Afterwards, was having some contractions though were mild and some abdominal pressures. 

  Thought of it as I might be on labor, my husband called 999, rush me to the hospital via the ambulance. The doctors checked me, they just wanted to be sure if my water really broke. They monitored my contractions thru the machine. Contractions not that of regular intervals so might just be normal braxton hicks. The doctor said cervix still closed.

  The doctors scheduled me for repeat CS the next day, Monday. It was 3:07 in the afternoon, we heard the sweetest cry. With Amber, I was put on general anesthesia so wasn't had the chance to hear her very first. I am glad with our son, it was a spinal one so Daddy was around, I am widely awake, so we were able to hear that of baby Moses.

  It was a wonderful experience. Added, I've never seen Amber having so much joy when she saw her little brother thru her Dad's mobile. She was giggling and in very much excitement. She kept on saying "So cute, so cute!" You will feel how happy and glad she really was.

  Actually she have been a sweet sister from the very start of my pregnancy. Loves to hug, kiss my belly and talked to baby a lot. She even sings him Lullaby Song every time we go to bed. Their bonding was so special.God willing soon, they'll see and meet each other face to face. Can't wait for that moment.

  Truly we're blessed. Happiness is beyond words... Thanks be to God!


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