Thursday 29 June 2017

At 19 Weeks! Almost Half Way There! :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 09:32
   My precious turned 19 weeks today. This week, I always feel her movements more like butterfly sensations in my lower abdomen. Can't wait to feel more stronger movements in the coming weeks!

Almost half way there! 😍

 💖  With my little girl! 💖

   Compared with my previous pregnancy, I'm more energetic for this current one. Thanks be to God! With my second one, I always felt exhausted most of the time. Maybe taking my kids to school everyday somewhat helps. My two kids don't have the same school so every time, after I dropped my eldest (by bus) to her school, I then have to take my second one to his school afterwards (both in the afternoon class). As we still have ample time, we just walk then going to his school (like around 10-15 minutes)

   I have read that walking during pregnancy keeps you fit. It is one of the best cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women.

  To share by the way, had my antenatal check-up last 20th of June, I was 17 weeks and 5 days then. Surprisingly also found out my baby's gender! My kids were with me, it's a very exciting day for us! As soon as the doctor started doing the ultrasound, they were already asking if it's a boy or a girl. Wish granted for the two who both really wanted to have a baby girl. We're so happy! It was an amazing feeling! :)

It's a girl! Big sister Amber still in awe after the ultrasound ^_^

   From the start of this pregnancy, I have a strong feeling that I was having a baby girl. It was just like few years ago when I was pregnant with my second one, I knew it right away that I'm having a baby boy.

   I can say that with my pregnancies, I have proven that the shape of a belly doesn't indicate that you're having a boy or a girl. With my first, I had a pointed belly which others say indicates I'm carrying a boy, but ended up having a baby girl back then. Second one, had a round bump which others say I was having a girl and turned out it was a boy. Now with this pregnancy, I'm having a pointed belly same with my first pregnancy, and once again, I'm having a baby girl. Maybe, it's the other way around for me! :)

   A mother's intuition knows best, just follow your gut feeling! Added, I have read from the web that studies have shown that a mother's intuition about her baby's gender is correct approximately 70% of the time. 

   It doesn't matter anyway if you are having a boy a girl, as long as the baby is healthy that's the most important thing for me. You will love the baby regardless of the gender.

Mom in waiting...💖

   Lastly, let's take a peek on what's happening this week:

Inside the Womb at 19 Weeks

Photo courtesy of Babycenter
Photo courtesy of The Bump
Photo courtesy of The Parent

Child length: approximately 6 Inches (about the size of a mango)

Child weight: 8.5 oz

At this stage: Your 19-week fetus is developing a protective coating over his or her skin called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at birth. (vernix is the Latin word for "varnish"; caseosa means "cheese") now covers your fetus' skin. It's greasy, white and made up of lanugo (that downy hair), oil from your baby's glands and dead skin cells. This waxy "cheese" may not sound too appealing, but it's there for good reason: Vernix protects your baby's sensitive skin from the surrounding amniotic fluid. Without it, she'd look very wrinkled at birth (sort of what you'd look like if you soaked in a bath for nine months). The vernix sheds as delivery approaches, though some babies — especially those born early — will still be covered with it at birth, so you might get a look at your baby's first anti-wrinkle cream.

Baby's sensory development is exploding! At 19 weeks, the baby is also working on his or her on five senses. Yep, nerve cells for sense of taste, hearing, sight, and smell are all developing in baby's brain. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, talking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.

Baby's legs and arms are continuing to develop and add muscle. You may be able feel your baby's movements now, or within the next week or two.

Baby's kidneys continue to make urine, and the hair on her scalp is sprouting.

If you're carrying a girl, she already has roughly six million eggs in her ovaries, but this number is decreasing. At birth, she'll have about one million eggs.

Your Body

Whoa! Did you feel that? At 19 weeks pregnant, baby’s movement inside your belly is probably becoming noticeable to you. Of course, like with showing, this phenomenon happens earlier for some women than it does for others. Right now, these tiny movements probably feel more like taps or flutters or even gas but they’ll grow stronger over the next few weeks. Of course, it will be a bit more time before your partner or anyone else can feel those kicks. Until then, enjoy this little thing that’s just between you and baby. You two are bonding already.

The ligaments that support your uterus are stretching to accommodate its increasing weight.

Days left to birth: 147 days left (48% of your pregnancy is completed)

Due date: 23 November 2017

Data Sources: Babycenter, The Bump, What To Expect,, Due Date Calculator (, What To Expect, Pregnancy App


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