Thursday 4 January 2018

Rachel's Vaccine Day!

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 07:57
   Yesterday, Rachel Zoe had her 2 month shots on both thighs. The vaccines given were the second dose of DTaP-IPV (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Polio 4-in-1) together with the first dose of Pneumococcal. Glad her Dad was around to hold her! I've always asked him to do so as just like with our first two kids, I am so anxious seeing them being poked with a needle.

The Pneumococcal Vaccine was administered on her right thigh

   Our brave little girl only cried a little after the shots then went back to sleep again. We were told that she may get a fever afterwards so we were given Panadol. Thankful that as of this time while writing this blog, she haven't had any fever, was just fine and even had a good sleep last night.

   About her developmental growth, thankful all went well. My little girl now weighs 4.975 kgs, gained almost a kilogram from last month's 4.174kgs. Thankful mom here as it is a good sign that she is getting enough milk from me. With regards to her length, she now measures 56cm.

   For this well-baby checkup, it was also a good time for me to ask questions about my child's health development so prior to going at the clinic, I have prepared a list of health issues in which I had in mind. 

   Just to share to those moms out there whose babies might have the same health concerns, I have addressed the following issues: (I have even added helpful insights I got from the web for more assurances). 

1. Excessive crying during certain times at night (happens between 8-10pm or before midnight) 

   I was told that as long as all my baby's needs has been met (feeding, change of nappy, comfortable clothing that she's not too hot or too cold, have enough sleep or rest) it's just normal, as she's still on the adjusting phase. 

   I was advise that it's also good to follow a routine pattern in which there is a schedule for every feeding though with her as a breastfed baby it's ok to feed on demand, a time for warm bath and sleeping schedule. With regards to her sleep, there is no issue at all as she's just been sleeping most of the day and that she has already learned to sleep straight through the night since she was born. I was told sticking to a familiar pattern help soothes babies. 

I have read that:

   This doesn't mean you should feed your newborn by the clock or try to establish a regular bedtime; in the early months, most infants are too physically immature to follow such patterns. Feed on demand and let him sleep when he wants, but begin imposing little daily habits, such as exposing him to the light of the sun when he's awake so he can begin to differentiate day from night.

Somewhere around 4 to 6 weeks, Dr. Karp suggests introducing a nighttime routine that includes dim lighting, a bath, and some milk. Don't worry that your baby will probably wake up three hours later. "The idea is to lay a foundation so that over time, your baby will associate these cues with sleep," notes Dr. Karp.

2. She roots every time I hold her when awake, even if she's just fed.

   Just normal. Just feed whenever she wants to.

I have read that:

   Babies don't always nurse for hunger, they nurse for thirst, too. The milk adjusts its fat content for baby's needs based on the way they suck, most babies suck differently for comfort, hunger, and thirst.

   Also babies go through growth spurts were babies seems hungrier than usual were they eat more. It's also a good way to increase their frequency of nursing in order to signal the mother's body to produce more milk.

   Common times for growth spurts are during the first few days at home and around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months (more or less). These are times when your baby seems hungrier than usual and wants to eat more.

3. At 7 weeks didn't poop for 6 days

   I was told it's normal for breastfed babies as breastmilk is easier to digest and there's very little waste produced from it (which translates to having fewer dirty diapers than an infant who is formula-fed). Some would even go on up to 2 weeks. It will only cause a concern if she is formula fed.

I have read that:

   Breastfed babies, especially if they have not started solid foods, can easily go two weeks without a poopy diaper once they are 2-3 months old. Exclusively breastfed babies are almost never constipated. They may go a long time without pooping, but their belly is not full of poop.

4. Spitting up curdled milk at times

   These tofu like milk curdles are just normal.

I have read that:

   Milk becomes curdled when mixed with the acidic stomach fluid. So curdled milk in itself is normal and not a problem. Many young babies spit up a bit of curdled milk now and then. 

5. Noisy breathing like grunts and snorts at times.

   My baby had these piglet grunting and snuffling like a blocked nose sounds that started days when she was born. 

   I was told that it's just normal as my baby is still learning how to regulate her own breathing. 

I have read that:

   Occasional sneezes, squeaks and snorts are completely normal for a newborn and aren't usually anything to worry about. Your baby's tiny lungs and nose have only just been introduced to the concept of inhaling air. The environment is also dry compared with your womb (uterus), where she has been for the past nine months. 

   Snorts and grunts happen because babies breathe through their noses. This allows them to feed at the same time as breathing. 

   As your baby can't blow her own nose, mucus stays there and produces a whistle, sniffle or a snort as air passes through. If mucus descends into the back of your baby's throat (pharynx) it may cause her to gurgle. 

6. Right-eye discharge

Just normal. 

I have read that:

   Why it's fine: A newborn's tear ducts are very narrow and susceptible to clogging, which causes white or yellowish gunk to collect. The discharge may look like pus, but it's not a sign of an infection unless the white of the eye starts to turn red, says Dr. Stern.

   Overall, I was told as long as my baby is happy and gaining weight, there's nothing to worry about. So happy that yesterday's developmental surveillance check-up all went well. Thanks be to God!

   Exactly also yesterday, Rachel Zoe turned 2 months old. 

With my cutie patootie!πŸ’–

Hello there! Just had my vaccines... πŸ˜˜

My Beautiful Princess πŸ˜

Big sister Amber and little brother Moses helped her blow the candles! πŸ˜Š

πŸ’– "Twinkle, twinkle little star, brave and beautiful is what you are." πŸ’–


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