Sunday, 4 August 2013

Itchy Skin During Pregnancy

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 07:52
For the past few days, I was having an itchy belly and noticed some tiny red bumps so I made a research on the internet. So to share, here's what I found out:

Is it normal to feel itchy during pregnancy?

It's not uncommon to feel itchy, particularly around your growing belly and breasts as your skin stretches to accommodate them. Hormonal changes may also be partly to blame.

What conditions can cause an itchy rash during pregnancy?

There are a variety of conditions related to pregnancy that can cause a rash. Symptoms can overlap between one condition and the next, and it can be confusing to try to figure out exactly what's going on so don't try to diagnose yourself. Here are some of the possibilities:

Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP)

Up to 1 percent of pregnant women develop a condition characterized by itchy, red bumps and larger patches of a hive-like rash on their bellies. This is called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP), also called polymorphic eruption of pregnancy.

PUPPP usually begins in the third trimester, though it can begin earlier or, occasionally, during the first two weeks after you give birth. It's more common in women carrying twins and those having their first baby. No one knows what causes PUPPP.

The eruptions, which can itch like crazy, usually show up first on the abdomen around or in stretch marks (if you have any). It may spread to your thighs, buttocks, back, and, more rarely, your arms and legs. Your neck, face, hands, and feet are usually spared.

Your doctor or midwife will probably prescribe a topical ointment to give you some relief. She may also recommend an antihistamine. In severe cases, you may need a course of oral steroids.

The good news is that PUPPP is not risky for you or your baby and usually disappears within a few days after delivery, although it sometimes persists for several weeks. Plus, it seldom appears again in subsequent pregnancies.

I've also found out that other possibilites might be any one of this:
1. Prurigo of pregnancy - This relatively rare condition (sometimes called papular eruptions of pregnancy) is characterized by many tiny bumps that may look like bug bites at first. (Later, due to scratching, you may have little cuts that crust over in places.)

2. Pemphigoid gestationis - In very rare cases, a pregnant woman will develop intensely itchy eruptions that start out like hives and then turn into large blistering lesions. This rash is called pemphigoid gestationis (or herpes gestationis because of its appearance, although it has nothing to do with herpes virus).

3. Impetigo herpetiformis - This is another rare condition, which, despite its name, is not related to the herpes virus or to impetigo, a bacterial skin infection. Instead, it's likely a form of psoriasis in pregnancy. characterized by extensive red areas with many small pus-filled bumps, which may coalesce into larger white, elevated pus-filled areas. The rash may appear on your thighs, groin, armpits, around your belly button, under your breasts, and other places as well. It can be painful but is generally not itchy.

Data Source: Babycenter

So based from what I've read, those tiny red bumps I have (though only around 4-5) are called PUPPP. Glad it's just normal. Oh, another joy of pregnancy! :)


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