Tuesday 27 January 2015

Missed Period While Extended Breastfeeding

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 03:49
   Hi my fellow mommies! Had you visited my other blog site yet by the way? It's where I am posting updates and milestone for my second child Moses who is now turning 15 months old this 4th of February and at the moment, I am still on extended breastfeeding round the clock.

With this new post, I would love to share this article in this blog site as it's somewhat related to pregnancy.

Just wanna share this out:

Last August, I had this feeling that I was pregnant but ended up just having my period back after months of not having it due to breastfeeding. And now, here I am again having some pregnancy symptoms, yay!

It was last August, baby was 9 months old then that I had my period back and I had it regularly every month thereafter. Last December 12, I had it for about five days, it was the heaviest period I had since August. My cycle is every 28 days ever since and when I got my period back it went like it will arrive the day itself or mostly two days late.

But this month, I am expecting that it will arrive around 12th of January but only to find out some brown discharge and light red blood that I only get when I wiped. Days before my next period is due, we conceived once so I don't know if this had something to do to delay or to miss my period.

Ever since after I gave birth to my first, we are following the 10 days before and 10 days after safe method for natural control and was effective. The difference between the age gap of our child is almost 5 years.

This time, I was wondering that it's been days that I was having some pregnancy related symptoms like frequent urination, feeling sleepy, easily gets tired most especially when walking accompanied by breathlessness, also feeling hungry and frequent toilet visits.

Am I pregnant? With the result of the pregnancy test last 22nd, the answer is negative. I am planning to make another test again probably after a week again as I don't want to keep on guessing but with the symptoms I can say that I am most likely to be pregnant again.

Today 25th of January, I just had some white discharge. I remember with my previous pregnancies it was the same, I had them too after I missed my period and I even mistakenly thought that I was about to have my period then.

I've also noticed that my taste somewhat had changed, too, as just days, I had requested to my husband that he buy mineral water as the taste of the boiled tap water is not good though we are drinking these normally at home. And now that I was thinking I am pregnant, I had thought of my sensitivity to taste recently. Strange!

Just with these symptoms, I am embracing the thought of having a beautiful baby again and I already feel excited.

For mommies who were experiencing the same situation, I will be updating this post every now and then for whatever outcome as I, myself is also wondering so I could share with everyone the result...


25 Jan - this afternoon was about to go outside for a walk. I felt exhausted and tired as soon as I placed baby on the carrier so I placed him on the stroller instead. I usually use the carrier everytime we go out so feeling was really so strange.

26 Jan - took another pregnancy test and it was negative.

27 Jan - still having some white discharge. Having some lower back and left hip pains. Feeling sleepy, frequent urination...

28 Jan - Feb 5 - still no period yet...

6 Feb - my period started in the evening... Woo hoo! Thank God as I am not yet ready to have a new baby as I wanna focus with my youngest at the meantime especially that I am still breastfeeding him.


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