Monday 4 November 2013

Finally, Our Lil' Guy Born at 39 Weeks! :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 05:04 0 comments

The Birth Story of Neil Moses
Repost via Babycenter (November 2013 Birth Club)

Date of Birth: 11/04/2013
Original Due Date: 11/11/2013
Weeks Pregnant: 39 weeks
Baby's Weight: 8 lbs 39 oz

  Sunday around 5:30 early morning after I peed, a gush of liquid came out. I've never experienced urinary incontinence and that I can always control my bladder so I was thinking that it might be my amniotic fluid. Afterwards, was having some contractions though were mild and some abdominal pressures. 

  Thought of it as I might be on labor, my husband called 999, rush me to the hospital via the ambulance. The doctors checked me, they just wanted to be sure if my water really broke. They monitored my contractions thru the machine. Contractions not that of regular intervals so might just be normal braxton hicks. The doctor said cervix still closed.

  The doctors scheduled me for repeat CS the next day, Monday. It was 3:07 in the afternoon, we heard the sweetest cry. With Amber, I was put on general anesthesia so wasn't had the chance to hear her very first. I am glad with our son, it was a spinal one so Daddy was around, I am widely awake, so we were able to hear that of baby Moses.

  It was a wonderful experience. Added, I've never seen Amber having so much joy when she saw her little brother thru her Dad's mobile. She was giggling and in very much excitement. She kept on saying "So cute, so cute!" You will feel how happy and glad she really was.

  Actually she have been a sweet sister from the very start of my pregnancy. Loves to hug, kiss my belly and talked to baby a lot. She even sings him Lullaby Song every time we go to bed. Their bonding was so special.God willing soon, they'll see and meet each other face to face. Can't wait for that moment.

  Truly we're blessed. Happiness is beyond words... Thanks be to God!

Friday 1 November 2013

38 Weeks 5 Days Today! :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 22:27 0 comments
    Thanks be to God, I am now around my 39th week of pregnancy. Last Wednesday, I had my antenatal check-up, BP normal and weight now measuring 76.50 kilograms. Last week, 24th of October, the Doctor told me baby measures big, 7.5 lbs based on the ultrasound scan. His head measuring already at around 39 weeks wherein I am just past 37 weeks then.

The big sister to be, Amber, has always been excited. Never missed the chance to kiss my belly daily. Also she's the one who puts lotion on it during night time, enjoys doing it! :) Loves her little brother so much, she is very sweet!

To share, baby's development right now:

Inside the Womb at 39 Weeks
Photo courtesy of Babycenter
Photo courtesy of Pregnancy Companion
Photo courtesy of Pregnancy Assistant

Child length: approximately 20.5 - 20.7 inches  (about the size of a Celery bunch)

Child weight: approximately 7.3 lbs

At this stage:  The child is fully formed, and you watch for the first symptoms of the beginning birth.

Although your baby is full term, he will continue to grow until you deliver. At this point waiting for your baby is a challenge.

Your baby is practicing breath and urinating, and can use his fingers to grasp tightly. Your baby has lost most of the slippery vernix that had been covering and protecting his skin. In addition supplying the kiddo with nutrients, around this time your placenta continues supplying antibodies to help protect him against infections from bacteria and viruses.

In fact these antibodies will actually give his immune system a boost for the first six months of his life. Pretty amazing! If you could peer inside your belly, you'd notice that his tiny fingernails have reached or grown past his fingertips. He'll need a trim fairly soon after he arrives.

Believe it or not, your baby may have taken its first bowel movement. The waste is greenish-black substance called meconium and either passed in the womb or is stored on his or her intestines and will be excreted after birth.

Childbirth can begin at any time. Its symptoms can occur a few days or a few hours before the zero hour - every woman is different.

Your baby is starting to come down into your pelvis. The movements continue to be less noticeable. You will start to become more uncomfortable, due to the baby being lower in your pelvis. Frequent trips to the restroom and trouble sleeping are quite common. Taking a nice warm shower and drinking warm milk before bed can make you more relaxed and help with sleep.

Symptoms of Labor:
1. Losing the mucous plug - a sign that the cervix opens
2. Then may come the membrane rupture or, colloquially speaking, water breaking when the amniotic fluid leaks out. It may happen, but is not required. Sometimes the bladder is pierced by medical personnel.
3. Another important sign are contractions. They are different from pre-contractions that you have experienced fro some time now in that they are regular, escalating and do not stop when you change positions.
4. Keep a close eye on yourself and monitor the situation. You will not miss this moment for sure.

Before your pregnancy, your uterus weighed only two ounces. By now, it has stretched large enough to hold your baby and weighs around two and half pounds.

Days left to birth: 9

Due date: 11 November 2013

Data Sources: Babybump, Babycenter, I'm Expecting, Pregnancy Assistant, Pregnancy Companion and Pregnancy Guide

"Almost there!"

Friday 25 October 2013

Group B Streptococcus Screening

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 08:16 0 comments
Just had my weekly antenatal check-up yesterday and also had my Group B Streptococcus Screening Test in which the result will be next week. Got a weight of 75.10 kilograms while urine and BP normal.

From my first pregnancy, I remember that I didn't have this GBS Screening so the test was not familiar to me so to know more about it, here's what I've read from Babycenter.

I have read that all pregnant women are recommended to be routinely screened for GBS at 35 to 37 weeks. 

What are the consequences of early-onset GBS disease?

Early-onset GBS disease can cause sepsis (an infection in the blood), pneumonia, and, less frequently, meningitis. Some of these babies, particularly those with meningitis, will have long-term health problems such as hearing or vision loss, cerebral palsy, or developmental disabilities, and about 5 percent won't survive. 

Preterm babies have a lower survival rate than full-term babies, and those who survive are at higher risk for long-term problems from the disease.

What is the test like?

Your practitioner swabs the lower end of your vagina and your rectum (this isn't painful) and sends the swabs to a lab to be grown in a culture that will identify whether GBS bacteria is present. Your results should be available in two to three days, and your practitioner will give them to you at your next prenatal appointment. If she doesn't tell you, be sure to ask. 

You may have heard about GBS tests that can be done during labor and delivery in some hospitals, with results available within an hour or so. But the rapid tests are not as sensitive as those that allow time for the GBS to incubate. So at the present time, the CDC, ACOG, and AAP all still recommend screening at 35 to 37 weeks. 

What will happen if I test positive?
A positive result means only that you carry the bacteria – not that you or your baby will definitely become ill, even if you don't receive proper treatment. 

Getting antibiotics during labor does reduce those odds by a huge factor: For example, if you're a GBS carrier with no other risk factors (you're 37 weeks or more, don't have a fever, and your membranes haven't been ruptured long), your baby's odds of getting infected are about 1 in 200 without treatment and about 1 in 4,000 if you do get treated.

Treatment also reduces your own chances of developing a GBS infection (such as a uterine infection) during labor or postpartum, as can sometimes happen.

If you're GBS-positive, you'll begin getting antibiotics as soon as your labor starts or your water breaks, whichever comes first. (The only case in which you wouldn't need treatment for GBS is if you have a cesarean section before your water breaks or you go into labor,regardless of how far along you are.)

Ideally, you'll want to get started on the antibiotics at least four hours before you give birth, but if your labor is very rapid you may not have that much time. Take comfort that getting started even a couple of hours before delivery helps reduce the risk to your baby. And try not to worry, because the chance that your baby will get sick – especially if he's full-term, you don't have a fever, and your membranes aren't ruptured for long – is small.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Around My 37th Week! :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 03:11 0 comments
   Thanks be to God that I'm now around my 37th week of pregnancy. I've read that my baby at this stage is considered full term and if pregnant ladies deliver this week, it should result in a very healthy baby. :)
My Belly At 36 Weeks
Inside the Womb at 36 Weeks
Photo courtesy of Babycenter
Photo courtesy of Pregnancy Companion

Child length: approximately 19.3 inches  (about the size of a a Coconut)

Child weight: approximately 5.9 - 6.5 lbs

At this stage:  You may feel the first contractions of your uterus - an infallible sign of the approaching childbirth.

Your baby's once wrinkly skin has now been plumped up by a healthy layer of fat, and his face has rounded out as we.. (oh, those chubby little cheeks!). He has also developed strong sucking muscles - which will enable him to down his first meal shortly after birth.

Your baby continues to gain weight. The lungs are functional at this time. The amniotic fluid around the baby is decreasing, which makes it more difficult for your baby to turn. At this point, if your baby is breech, it will probably remain so until birth.

The bones in your baby's skull can move and overlap each other, allowing the baby to pass through the tight birth canal more easily. Don't be surprised if your baby arrives with a pointy or misshapen head. It will become more round once the bones move back into place, anywhere between a few hours or days after birth.

Prenatal checks will now happen every week until your baby is born. Be sure to inquire about what you should do if your water breaks.

Just a month away from your due date, you're likely feeling very anxious for your baby to deliver. If you are by nature meticulous and carefully plan everything, you must know that only 5% of children are born on their due date.

Days left to birth: 27

Due date: 11 November 2013

Data Sources: Babybump, Babycenter, I'm Expecting, Pregnancy Assistant, Pregnancy Companion and Pregnancy Guide

"Worth the weight..."

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Thanks Be to God! A Bundle of Boy!

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 07:14 0 comments
   From the very beginning of my pregnancy, I knew inside of me that I am carrying a baby boy as what I've also felt with my first. Maybe it's that "Mother Instinct" thing. :) Thanks be to God that this time, He blessed us a baby boy and that was exactly what my daughter Amber would love to have, a "baby brother".

   When I had Amber, the day I found out from the ultrasound that I was having a baby girl, I wasn't that surprise at all as I was really expecting that I was having a baby girl right from the start. With my first pregnancy, I really wanted to have a baby girl, as we all know that they're so cute to dress up and have lots of pretty items out there to buy for them. Also, I was thinking about long beautiful hair, pink ribbons, tutus and some other girly stuff. :)

   I thank God for He blessed us another baby, and this time around, a baby boy. 

   Aside from the "Mother's Instinct" thing, maybe I can say that with my first pregnancy, the symptoms I had from there differ compared at my present pregnancy right now. With Amber, the sooner I knew I was pregnant, the very first symptom was I had a very sore breasts, warm body temperature and lower back pains. Though with both pregnancy, I never had morning sickness, no vomiting just like what most pregnant women experiences.

   But this pregnancy, my first symptoms were I am so sensitive with my smell and taste. I was so choosy with what food to eat wherein with my first, I never had an issue. Everything went out smoothly, I had a good appetite from the very start with my first.

   To share with my first pregnancy, aside from those symptoms I've mentioned, I have also experienced having a toothache, some metallic taste on my mouth, muscle pains on both my hands and feet though eating bananas had helped me cope with it as they're rich in potassium. 

   I've read that when you're pregnant, there are times that those foods you don't actually like to eat at all, will be those that you would love to eat. Before, I really don't like eating bananas as they're slippery and it feels like I had to vomit every time I eat one. But during my pregnancy, I had really love eating them.

   To add with my present pregnancy, some more symptoms were dizziness, constipation, heartburn, shortness of breath though I still had this with my first but a more issue this time specially when I lay in bed. If with my first I had a toothache, this time I had a gum problem on one of my teeth in which my Dentist told me it's called "pregnancy tumor", which is common during pregnancy and will usually fade away after you gave birth provided you also give it proper gum care, wherein I was prescribed medications.

   Again for similarities, both of my pregnancies, I measure really big that most of those who see me kept asking if I was having a twin or that if I'm nearly on my due date. I just really measure big from the very start. Especially now, I grew more bigger as I am on my 36 weeks of pregnancy. With the gender, those who see me, everyone keeps telling me that I may be having a baby boy because I got a strong aura, the way I look, maybe the way they see me. I also had some pimples from the early stage of this pregnancy.

   I just keep telling them that I felt it from the start and knew that I am carrying a baby boy but was also telling them that whatever the gender will be, as long as it's healthy.

   By the way, this "Mother Instinct" thing was just confirmed today, Wednesday, 9th October 2012, when I've visited a private doctor for check up. Together, with Daddy & Amber we saw from the ultrasound that we were having a healthy baby boy.

   Thanks be to God for such a wonderful blessing! We're very grateful that we were gifted with another child and that we can't wait to cuddle him in our arms especially Amber who's always been excited to have a baby brother.

   "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift." ~ 2 Corinthians 9:15

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Hospital Bag Checklist

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 17:26 0 comments
   I was always excited to prepare my bag and that of baby early on my pregnancy and now that on my 8th month, I know this is the best time to do it. Aside from that, I have read that it's recommended that I should have my bag ready at least 4 weeks before my due date. And I found this simplified list of items that I should carry with me from Geobaby website:

Data Source: Geobaby

Braxton Hicks Contractions

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 17:06 0 comments
Yay! Woke up this morning having some Braxton Hicks contractions together with a feeling of being constipated and also hungry. Wondering what am I really feeling?

I have read pregnancy forums especially that from Babycenter that some women really delivers earlier than their due dates. So feelings like this, specially that I'm closer on my due date and that I'm not really comfortable compared with the past few days, I am wondering if it's preterm labor or if it's just simply another Braxton Hicks contractions.

To help ease my mind, again I visited Mr. Google :) and here's what I've read from the The Bump website in which I find very helpful:

Braxton Hicks contractions are your body's way of practicing and preparing for labor. You’ll feel tightening in your uterus that’s irregular, infrequent and unpredictable. These contractions won’t increase in intensity the way the contractions of labor do. They’re also likely to go away if you change positions.

Braxton Hicks contractions are most common in the third trimester. They’re just a normal part of pregnancy. The tightness you feel in your uterus during a Braxton Hicks contraction comes from the tensing of the muscles in your uterus. Being really active, a full bladder, sex and dehydration can all trigger Braxton Hicks contractions.

How will Braxton Hicks contractions affect my baby?

As long as they don’t turn into preterm labor, they won’t affect your baby. In fact, some medical professionals say these contractions are toning up your uterus and promoting the flow of blood to your placenta, so think of it as nourishing your baby.

What’s the best way to treat Braxton Hicks contractions? 

Although Braxton Hicks contractions cause more annoyance than pain, drinking water or taking a walk or a warm bath should relieve any discomfort. Mild Braxton Hicks contractions are very common and nothing to worry about, but call your doctor if you're in the first eight months and feel four or more contractions in an hour -- that might be a sign of preterm labor.

What can I do to prevent Braxton Hicks contractions?

Other than staying well-hydrated and not overdoing it activity-wise, there’s not much. Just be on the lookout for signs of preterm labor and you’ll be totally fine.

What do other pregnant moms do when they have Braxton Hicks contractions? 

“I’ve been getting Braxton Hicks this pregnancy. It will feel like part of your uterus is hard to the touch, like it’s frozen. They don’t hurt, but are uncomfortable. I try to move around or stretch through it. It also helps to lie on your side and relax, and make sure to stay hydrated to keep them to a minimum.”

“I’ve been getting Braxton Hicks a lot. Last night, every time I stood up, I got one. I just drink water and lie on my left side to calm them, and that works well.”

“I had Braxton Hicks with DD. I would be sitting and suddenly feel out of breath or unable to breathe. I would have to switch positions, and then I’d feel better. This was because of my uterus hardening and making my lungs work harder.”

Data Source: The Bump

Special Bonding With My Baby

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 09:45 0 comments
Photo courtesy of Babycenter

Lately, have been feeling more intense baby movements. For the past few weeks, have been feeling strong baby movements already. Seems that my baby is always awake. :) My baby is always active, so alert that just with my small movements, I can feel him/her. Every time I say something, he responds by movements. I feel that it's his way of telling me that "Mommy, I'm ok in here..." Some kind of  assurance that there is nothing to worry, and that he's just always fine inside of me.That really makes me happy and that I treasure every moment. I have read that active babies are happy babies. :)

   I am also enjoying every moment that I can touch him on my belly. It was like "Guess what part of my body is this Mom" game wherein I can feel him rolling and stretching on my tummy, love that special part wherein I can feel his knees, hands, toes, butt, ha,ha... I love talking with him actually, that whenever I touch something, I would say "I guess this is your knee?", I just love playing with him.

   Most of the time, I talked with him while I am doing something just to describe what his Mommy doing at the moment. And I also love how his Ate Amber talked with him, too, how she kissed my tummy every time I drop her to school and say I love you to me and baby. Then afterwards I will tell my baby that we just dropped his Ate Amber to school and that we're on the way home. 

   One of the activity that he is most active with is when I'm on the tram or the bus. Maybe because of the noise outside, the people around me, he can hear them. I can feel his movements and wiggles, like he was jumping in there, excited as if he was telling me that "Mommy, God willing, sooner we'll meet and I that I can't wait to see the outside world!" :)

  Just like her Ate Amber, hhe loves being sang, too, especially at night before we sleep wherein I always sing with them the Lullaby Song. I know that just like his Ate Amber, he easily falls asleep with the song. :)

   Right now, since I'm on my 35th week, I know that the space inside my belly is getting more cramp as he is putting more weight and that movements will be lessen for the coming weeks. But no worries, my baby, God willing we'll see each other soon and that with His guiding hands, everything will be alright. Few more weeks to go, and you'll be in my arms. You'll gonna meet Daddy, Mommy and Ate Amber soon. We love you so much, and for sure our bonding will even be more special then...

Monday 7 October 2013

Baby M is 35 Weeks Today :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 04:00 0 comments
Inside the Womb at 35 Weeks

Photo courtesy of Babycenter

Child length: approximately 19 inches  (about the size of a a Honeydew)

Child weight: approximately 5.5 - 5.9 lbs

At this stage:  Your should read to your belly. This way, your baby will be more familiar with your voice.

At this point, all your baby's major organs should be nearly complete. Your baby's kidneys are completely developed and his liver is functional and capable of processing waste products. Its central nervous system is maturing, its digestive system is almost complete and its lungs are almost fully developed.

Your baby continues to gain weight. Can now turn and lift its head. Most of the vernix and lanugo and is now gone from the skin.

Although babies are considered preemies until 37 weeks, 99 percent of babies born at week 35 survive without any major complications.

Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now. Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Pack your bags! It's not too early to have your hospital stuff ready to go. Sure, the bag might wind up sitting by the front door for a few more weeks -- but that's better than finding yourself among the moms-to-be who wound up rushing to the hospital without it because they waited just a little too long. Happy packing! :)

Most airlines will not allow you to fly after 36 weeks.

Days left to birth: 35

Due date: 11 November 2013

Data Sources: Babybump, Babycenter, I'm Expecting, Pregnancy Assistant, Pregnancy Companion and Pregnancy Guide

"In my womb, I love you..."

Sunday 6 October 2013

Getting Ready For Baby

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 01:59 0 comments
   One of the most exciting part of being pregnant is preparing things before your baby arrives. Its fun to buy baby stuff, choosing clothes from different designs and colors, cute outfits, everything your baby needs from head to toes.

   It might be too early to buy some but I just want to put up stuff while I still have ample time as sooner or later when my baby arrives, I know my time would be limited then specially if I will undergo a Caesarian delivery again wherein recovery a bit longer. Stuff that I bought so far were:

1. Baby Book ~ my daughter Amber Jade had a baby book when she was born so I also decided to buy one for Baby M :)
I love the Contents, can't wait to fill them up... ;)

2. Playtex Ventaire Feeding Bottles - I am planning to breastfeed and would love to the best that I can. But just in case, I have bought this feeding bottles for future use. My daughter Amber also used Playtex Ventaire when she was a baby but hers were those wide ones. This time, I bought this slim size one for Baby M. Playtex Ventaire feeding bottles were really the best ones for me. They are uniquely designed to reduce colic, bottom vent helps reduce air ingestion. It helped my daughter Amber when she was a baby as she was colicky back then.

3. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow - I have chosen the Sunburst design as it has a hint of color green. I just love green this time around. ;) Since I am planning to breastfeed the longer I can, I have bought this nursing pillow so it will more comfortable for me whenever I breastfeed my baby and also to support my back since I have a mild scoliosis. Back rest helps me maintain good posture during feeding and prevent me from sore back and neck, too. Arm and elbow rests eliminate shoulder stress. Firm, flat cushion keeps baby from rolling. Adjustable strap that can fit on Daddy, too. :)

4. Bumbo Baby Seat - I love this baby seat, love the color, too! Softly made, I'm sure my baby would love to sit on it! :) Designed for infants from three months to one year. It is uniquely designed according to the baby's posture. It can be used on any flat ground level surface and promotes new opportunities for interaction between mommy and baby. 

5. Esprit Garden Party Hauck Bouncer - I bought this bouncer when I was around on my 6th month. As from the start, I've been feeling that I am carrying a baby boy, I've never think twice of buying this blue color. Aside from that, for me, this bouncer/rocker is very space saving and easy to carry around especially if we'll be bringing baby outside. I love the simplicity of the design. Has an extra head support for newborns which can be removed as baby grows.
6. Combi Magical Compact 4-Way Carrier - since I have mild scoliosis and sometimes have back and lower pains, I've chose this carrier for my baby because of its nice features. Offers optimum head and back support, provides maximum airflow and may also be used as a breastfeeding aid. I can use this carrier right after my baby is born and can be use til' toddler stage. I love the four carrying positions especially the cradle one. . ;)
Love the Marine Blue color which is the one I bought for baby! :)

7. Baby Clothes - I have started buying baby clothes as early as when I was 3 months pregnant but just only whenever I see stuff that I really like. I always focus on comfort,the fabric, same as the design as well. So far, these were the baby clothes I have collected. From cartoon characters to animal prints, light to dark colors and from sleeveless to long sleeves. Love the cute captions most of 
all. :)
Can't wait to see my Baby wearing this! It's my most favorite! :)
So cute! :)

Love this tiger print bodysuit!
Cutie Captions
Mommy's Rockstar
Baby's very first Jumpsuit :)
Love these striped colored baby pants

Hats and socks
For Ate Amber & Baby :)
Love these freebies as well. I was able to collect them every time I have check-ups ;)
Other stuff that I had on hand right now

These were just recently added to my collections :)
From Disney
Love the captions again, cute! ;)

Carter's onesies

8. Graco Pack n' Play - with all those baby cribs we see from the market, I love this most! It's a fashionable infant playard that can easily be packed with a convenient travel bag, very handy. Added the size, just right. One thing I like about this is that it features a full-size bassinet with a comfy quilted bumper pad and mattress pad. It's always been convenient for me every time I change baby's diaper. And also, it has an organizer for your little ones' stuff. Glad that I found one online that is in like new condition at just a cheaper price. I love the color, too! Just perfect for my baby 
boy. :)

9. Medela Harmony Manual Breastpump - I got this after I gave birth. I've started pumping from the hospital (I have used from there the Medela Harmony Electric Breastpump), I was told in order to establish my milk supply, I should continue pumping at home since baby was still left at the pedia ward for some antibiotic treatments. Before I bought this, I've tried searching and reading from the internet on which manual breastpump is best to buy and with it having lots of positive reviews, I have ended up buying it. So from my own review, I will give it 5 stars. Yes, as this one is easy to use, very handy, fewer parts that can be assembled quickly and is compatible with most standard bottles. What I loved most is that it's so gentle to use and is designed to feel more like your baby than any other manual pump and knowing that the Harmony features two-phase expression technology, an advanced pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing rhythm.

This system works in two modes: the simulation mode and the expression mode. The simulation mode simulates your baby's initial rapid sucking to start your milk flowing, while the expression mode simulates your baby's slower, deeper suckling to express your milk gently yet efficiently. These modes work together to make pumping a quick and painless process.

10. Leach Co Cuddle-U Nursing Pillow - lately, I have added this to my baby stuff collection but not for breastfeeding but more on to support baby during sitting, tummy time and when he's in bed. When he is using a normal pillow, he always slipped as he's so active this time at his age. Unlike the My Brest Friend nursing pillow, this one more softer but just more bigger so still I will recommend the My Brest Friend for nursing as it is more convenient for me to use though this Leach On provides more fun ways to use. As a comfy seat for baby, there's no wiggling or squirming out, has easy-close fastener that keeps baby secure. It's a wonderful way to prop up babies not yet sitting on their own and a good way for tummy time, too! When not in use, the seat wrap tucks into the pillow pocket.

Baby Moses at 2 1/2 months sitting on his Leach On boppy :)

Play time with his Ate Amber

11. Medela Swing™ Breastpump - Yay finally was able to have an electric breast pump! So happy as I found a cheaper one that fits my budget and aside from that it's a Medela brand which for me tested to really be working well when expressing breast milk.:) Though the manual pump works prettily well for me, too, but just sometimes I find it tiring after pumping so many times though it provides ease of use and can bring with you wherever you go as is it's handy. 

12. Ergo Organic Carrier - to complete my baby stuff collection, here's my navy blue Ergo. It's one of those convenient baby carriers that I really wanted to have since I was still pregnant. Though unlike Combi Magical Compact Carrier which can be use in 4 ways, the Ergo don't have that baby facing in front carry feature so I decided to still keep my Combi and use both alternately. I bought Ergo because I'd read a lot of reviews that it comfortably distribute baby’s weight between your shoulders and hips so you will be save from back pains. I have mild scoliosis so was hoping to find a carrier that will be of much support. Added, read that it's also good to use while breastfeeding outside the house as it has like that canopy cover which helps for more comfort.

Though as of this time, haven't yet use both Combi & Ergo myself to compare ease of use. My husband had used the Combi with baby Moses through cradle position with the infant insert when he was around one month until two months though seldom as we have been using his stroller most of the time.

Let us see on the coming days, now as baby Moses is getting bigger, he will be 4 months this coming 4th of March, might be a good time to start using both carriers with baby in sitting position.


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