Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Special Bonding With My Baby

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 09:45
Photo courtesy of Babycenter

Lately, have been feeling more intense baby movements. For the past few weeks, have been feeling strong baby movements already. Seems that my baby is always awake. :) My baby is always active, so alert that just with my small movements, I can feel him/her. Every time I say something, he responds by movements. I feel that it's his way of telling me that "Mommy, I'm ok in here..." Some kind of  assurance that there is nothing to worry, and that he's just always fine inside of me.That really makes me happy and that I treasure every moment. I have read that active babies are happy babies. :)

   I am also enjoying every moment that I can touch him on my belly. It was like "Guess what part of my body is this Mom" game wherein I can feel him rolling and stretching on my tummy, love that special part wherein I can feel his knees, hands, toes, butt, ha,ha... I love talking with him actually, that whenever I touch something, I would say "I guess this is your knee?", I just love playing with him.

   Most of the time, I talked with him while I am doing something just to describe what his Mommy doing at the moment. And I also love how his Ate Amber talked with him, too, how she kissed my tummy every time I drop her to school and say I love you to me and baby. Then afterwards I will tell my baby that we just dropped his Ate Amber to school and that we're on the way home. 

   One of the activity that he is most active with is when I'm on the tram or the bus. Maybe because of the noise outside, the people around me, he can hear them. I can feel his movements and wiggles, like he was jumping in there, excited as if he was telling me that "Mommy, God willing, sooner we'll meet and I that I can't wait to see the outside world!" :)

  Just like her Ate Amber, hhe loves being sang, too, especially at night before we sleep wherein I always sing with them the Lullaby Song. I know that just like his Ate Amber, he easily falls asleep with the song. :)

   Right now, since I'm on my 35th week, I know that the space inside my belly is getting more cramp as he is putting more weight and that movements will be lessen for the coming weeks. But no worries, my baby, God willing we'll see each other soon and that with His guiding hands, everything will be alright. Few more weeks to go, and you'll be in my arms. You'll gonna meet Daddy, Mommy and Ate Amber soon. We love you so much, and for sure our bonding will even be more special then...


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