Monday 23 September 2013

33 Weeks Today :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 09:59 0 comments
Inside the Womb at 33 Weeks
Photo courtesy of Babycenter
Photo courtesy of Pregnancy Companion

Child length: approximately 18.5 inches  (about the size of a Pineapple)

Child weight: approximately 4.4 lbs

At this stage: The baby's head circumference increases by as much as 1.25cm per week.

Your baby will accumulate more fat, turning your baby's skin from red to pink. This fat will keep you baby warm from birth until it can regulate its own body temperature. There's not much room for your baby now.

The fingernails have fully grown and reach the end of the fingertips. At this stage, if born early, your baby will usually do very well.

You will feel less jabs and kicks and more rolling movements as your baby's quarters become  more confined.

The developing neural structure within the brain is helping your baby listen, feel and partially see. It is also allowing for REM sleep cycles, which your baby experiences often as it sleeps 90 to 95 percent of the day at this point.

Eight month of pregnancy is starting. Eight month is a kind of survival school. You already have enough, and the end of pregnancy is nowhere to be seen. Over the next seven weeks your child will nearly dobule his weight! That's what you call growing fat!

You may also be experiencing sciatic pain caused by compression in the back. Your blood volume has increased by 50 percent during your first two trimester. It will start leveling out next week and remain constant until you deliver. In addition, amniotic fluid is at its highest level; it will remain at this level until birth.

Uterine twitching may be more common than before due to your baby's hiccups. Frequency of heartburn may increase due to the growing baby in your body, so be sure to continue eating smaller, more frequent meals if you experience it.

The combination of a bigger belly and softer joints from the relaxin hormone in your body, will often make you waddle more when you walk.

Days left to birth: 49

Due date: 11 November 2013

Data Sources: Babycenter, I'm Expecting, Pregnancy Assistant, Pregnancy Companion

"My belly as big as a balloon!"

Thursday 19 September 2013

32 Weeks and 3 Days Today :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 00:50 0 comments
Inside the Womb at 32 Weeks
Photo courtesy of Babycenter
Photo courtesy of Pregnancy Companion

Child length: approximately 18.5 inches  (about the size of a Bok Choy)

Child weight: approximately 4.4 lbs

At this stage: The baby's head circumference increases by as much as 1.25cm per week.

The big news this week is lung development. Baby's respiratory system is almost completely mature. 

Your baby continues to gain weight. The brain is developing rapidly but the bones of the skull have not fused together, and will not until the first year of the baby's life. The skin is starting to look pinker.

If you talk to your baby, it can hear you. In fact, her world is full of sounds. In addition to your voice, she can hear your stomach growling and your lungs taking in air, along with the reassuring vibrations of your heart beating.

Over the next few weeks your baby's real hair and skin will become soft and smooth.

Your baby is now sleeping for the majority of the day, movement will increase greatly, and fetal kicks will become more frequent.

 - For me, my baby is widely awake most of the time and is so very active. So alert that every activity I do, even when I just do a simple talking, I can feel the movement. I am happy because I can feel my baby's movement always and that it's like my baby is telling me that he/she is just always ok and happy inside my womb. :)

Inside your baby, you're likely to have more lower back pain as the growing weight of your uterus and belly pull your body forward and strains your back. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be rather common now. Try to stabilize your wrists and wear a splint if needed, especially at night.

Days left to birth: 53

Due date: 11 November 2013

Data Sources: Babybump, Babycenter, I'm Expecting, Pregnancy Assistant, Pregnancy Companion & Pregnancy Guide

"Ain't I cute?"

Saturday 7 September 2013

Bumped Incident

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 07:48 0 comments
   Just want to share this incident so if anyone out there who had experienced the same, Kindly feel free to leave a comment.

  I was in a clothing store this afternoon and while looking for some stuff, the store clerk there suddenly bumped me on my back while she was pulling her stocks (she was walking backward). She saw me actually standing there when she passed on and went inside the stockroom. I just don't know why when she went out from there she still had to bumped on me and wasn't looking if there's anyone on her way? (I didn't notice her as I am standing behind) She's a tall lady so her butt bumped on my back, somewhat a bit huge also so the impact was a bit stronger. She said sorry but still I feel really bad as she saw me actually standing there when she passed. Just being so careless!

   Afterwards, I felt my tummy hardened specially the upper part where my ribs was. I just went home then and Googled on the internet if there's something I should be worried about. Right now, I feel fine so is baby whose movements is giving me assurances that there's nothing to worry.

   This is the very first time that I've encounter such incident while pregnant. Eversince, I've been doing my best just to always be careful in everything I do. Sometimes even you are being so careful with yourself, you'll encounter people who are careless that would somewhat be the reason of such incident.

   Just want to share what I've read from

A stranger's elbow here, a kitchen counter there -- as your pregnancy progresses, you may feel like your abdomen's on a collision course with the world. It's not just your imagination: Many factors during pregnancy make your belly bump-prone, such as loose ligaments and joints, a growing girth (you're a larger target and a little off-balance), and a feeling of being somewhat distracted.

There's no need to worry every time you bump your tummy; even a front-forward fall or a kick from your toddler is unlikely to hurt your baby-to-be. "Mother Nature provides a safe and protected environment for a fetus, which floats in amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac, which in turn is protected by the muscles of both the uterus and the abdomen," says Owen Montgomery, M.D., assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Allegheny University of the Health Sciences. The spine in back and the pelvis and rib cage in front also form bony barriers.

Even so, let your obstetrician know if you've taken a spill directly onto your belly, if you've been in a minor fender bender, or if you've suffered a blow to your stomach from another adult. He may have you come in to monitor the fetal heart rate. Seek immediate medical attention if your baby isn't as active as before (movement about five times in a two-hour period when you're lying down is normal if you're in your second or third trimester), or if you have bleeding, vaginal discharge, contractions, or cramping within 12 hours of an incident.

Take extra precautions to be safe from slipping. Watch out for ice, snow, and wet leaves, and newly waxed or mopped floors. Wear sensible shoes -- no slick soles or high heels -- that fit properly. Be careful getting in and out of the tub or shower, and use the handrails on stairs. And always wear a seatbelt with the lap portion under your abdomen and the shoulder strap between your breasts and to the side of your belly.

Source: From the article "If You Bump Your Pregnant Belly"

Wednesday 4 September 2013

30 Weeks Milestone

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 08:19 0 comments
Inside the Womb at 30 Weeks
Photo courtesy of Babycenter
Photo courtesy of Pregnancy Companion

Child length: 17.3 - 17.7 inches  (about the size of a large cabbage )

Child weight: approximately 3.3 lbs

At this stage: The baby's movements become less chaotic and more organized.

Your baby is continuing to grow. Most of the organs are functioning well except for the lungs, which are still developing.

Your baby is very conscious of its environment. It's becoming more sensitive to light and can distinguish between sunlight and artificial light. Its eyes can also move in its socket and your baby is more attuned to sound, taste and smell. His or her lungs are working at near optimal levels. At this point, you will also be able to tell if your baby has hiccups by the rhythmic twitching in the uterus.

In fact, between now and week 37, your baby will gain about a half a pound per week.

With only 10 weeks to go you may wonder how much more your uterus will grow. By this time you may have gained anywhere from 25-35 pounds, depending on your pre-pregnancy weight, and you will continue to gain about a pound a week.

Shortness of breath may start to get more frequent, and sleeping can be more and more of a challenge.

Days left to birth: 68

Due date: 11 November 2013

Data Sources: Babybump, Babycenter, I'm Expecting, Pregnancy Assistant, Pregnancy Companion & Pregnancy Guide

"Grow, baby, grow!"

Blessed and Thankful On My 7th Month :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 07:53 0 comments
   Thanks be to God that I am now on my 7th month. God willing, two more months to go then comes the birth of my child. Lately, time is running so fast that I haven't noticed that it's already 7 months since I've conceived. Actually, from the very first day I found out that I was pregnant again, I've been making a countdown unto when I will be having my delivery, looking forward to that big day. :)

   As day goes by, I have figured out that while waiting for that big day, on the other hand, I am being given the opportunity to make more preparations with the arrival of our baby. Moreover, I am also being given the opportunity to enjoy the bonding I have with my baby while still inside me. That exciting moment when my baby makes a kick, throw a punch or sometimes do an acrobat. It's really a treasure to cherish.  

Sweet and loving Ate Amber

   While still pregnant, I also love how my daughter Amber bursts with a smile whenever she got the chance to feel the baby moves, presses her hand on my tummy and says high five! She always tells me that she loves the baby and that my tummy is so cute. It really puts a smile on my face. Seeing how she's fond of her little baby sibling even while still inside me, gives me a reflection that one day, God willing, when the baby arrives, they will not only be siblings in good harmony but also will be the best of friends as well.

Proud Mommy and Ate

  Can't wait on that big day when we'll be able to take a glimpse and meet our baby but for now, we'll all just be patiently waiting, his Dad, me and her Ate Amber. We love you baby and that we'll always be thankful and grateful that God gave us another child. Such a wonderful blessing that's really priceless.

Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a real blessing. ~ Psalms 127:3  

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