Thursday, 20 April 2017

On My 9th Week Today!

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 07:49 0 comments
Inside the Womb at 9 Weeks

Photo courtesy of Pregnancy App

Photo courtesy of BabyCenter

Child length: approximately 1 inch (about the size of a raspberry)

Child weight: approximately 0.04 oz

At this stage: The beginning of week 9 marks the end of the "embryonic period" and the beginning of the "foetal" period. Starting to look more and more human. Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. Your baby's head is now half the size of her body.

Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form – as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. The kidneys, liver, brain, and lungs are all beginning to function.

The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain. Your uterus is about the size of a grapefruit this week.

Days left to birth: 218 (22% of your pregnancy is completed)

Due date: 23 November 2017

Data Sources: Baby Center, Pregnancy App, I'm Expecting by Medhelp & Pregnancy Assistant, Parents, Due Date Calculator

Monday, 17 April 2017

Belly Beautiful! On My 3rd Month Now :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 08:22 0 comments
   Time flies! Just reached my second month yesterday and my third month starts today. I'm looking big already, just to share my growing belly, I asked my daughter to take some pictures of me. :)

My 2 months belly

   I have been a picky eater lately since my I learned of my pregnancy. I was so selective with the food I eat, also I don't like water and milk but I always try for the sake of having a healthy pregnancy. Hope soon, my appetite will be slowly coming back bit by bit. I have been taking my prenatal vitamins since so to make sure my baby is getting the nutrients.

Haven't gained that much weight yet, but pretty sure my belly is! =)

Feels like it's a baby girl! ^_^

   With my second pregnancy, there is this mother instinct inside of me that I'm having a baby boy that time. When I see  cute baby clothing, I always picked that one for a boy. When I had my ultrasound done, I was right, I was really carrying a baby boy! 

   I'm excited to find out once again this time, what matters now is whatever the gender is, my baby is growing healthily inside of me.

What will my baby be, a he or a she?

Friday, 14 April 2017

On My 8th Week Today

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 03:13 0 comments
Inside the Womb at 8 Weeks

Child length: approximately 1 inch (about the size of a raspberry)

Child weight: approximately 0.04 oz

At this stage: Eyes are covered with eyelids. Ears move sideways. The baby begins to move. It slowly gaining a more humanlike appearance.

Your baby's growth spurt continues: In the last two weeks he has quadrupled in size. As he gets bigger, his delicate facial features are becoming more refined, with his ears, upper lip, and the teeny tip of his nose all clearly visible. His eyelids will also take shape for the first time this week and his heart is growing stronger by the day.
The arms are longer and may be able to flex at the elbow and wrists. Internally, the baby's digestive tract, including its intestines, are beginning to grow. It's heartbeat is beating at a rapid 150 beats per minute.

Days left to birth: 223 (20% of your pregnancy is completed)

Due date: 23 November 2017

Data Sources: Baby Center, I'm Expecting by Medhelp & Pregnancy Assistant, Parents, Due Date Calculator

Loss of Appetite / Prenatal Vitamins

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 02:56 0 comments
   For my second post, I would like to share this feeling of loss appetite I have been experiencing this past few days being pregnant.

   With my previous two pregnancies, I've never experienced loss of appetite. From the start, there were no changes on my eating habit, all foods are appealing to me.

   Yes likewise, I feel always hungry from time to time but can't think of better food to eat. My mouth is tasteless in everything, added the dry throat I've been having for a week or two already which doesn't go despite taking Strepsils, paracetamol and hot lemon tea. Might be due to my pregnancy hormones, I seldom experienced this thing before and if it does it quickly goes away with medications.

   Even when I am hungry, almost all foods are tasteless that makes me not want to eat but still trying to have some in behalf of my growing baby.

Last time, I ate this beef noodles with sweet "carioca" desserts

   I don't also like drinking water and milk. I just only like coconut juice. Other juices, my mouth feels tasteless, too.

   At times, I also feel like vomiting but glad not to a point of puking up.

   Right now, I have been taking these prenatal multivitamins to make sure that me and my baby get all the nutrients that we need. These gummy vitamins tastes good unlike those multivitamin capsules I took with my previous pregnancies, these doesn't leave unpleasant taste on the mouth. But since, they don't have iron, I still have to take a separate one with it.

My prenatal gummy multivitamins :)

Really taste good just like a gummy candy ^_^

Good thing they both have DHA and Folic Acid

Nutritional facts

   Glad to know that these prenatal vitamins can also be use for lactation as I am also looking forward to breastfeed once again.

   I hope this feeling of loss appetite will pass soon. I just wanted to be back with my normal eating habit just like with my previous pregnancies.

"Eating a healthy diet during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby."

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Beautiful Birthday Present - Baby #3 On Board! :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 17:00 0 comments
Hi there friends!

   It's been a long time since I last updated this blog, happy to be back and share with you that a new blessing's on the way! :)


Elmo holding the surprise! :)

   For the past few days, there had been some changes on my body, feeling different like I have noticed my belly getting bigger, my breasts feeling sore, heightened sense of smell, feeling breathless especially when I'm lying down, lower back pains here and there, being bloated and constipated and some mood swings that are all somewhat related to pregnancy symptoms.

   I had actually overlooked my last menstruation period so I was thinking that I will just be having my period soon and it didn't crossed my mind that I'm pregnant.

   Hubby noticed my growing belly telling me to make a test in which my reaction was it's just a waste of money because I know my period is just coming that is why I'm feeling bloated.

   Last Friday, 31st of March, it was hubby's birthday. That evening, he noticed that my belly got bigger and told me once again to take a pregnancy test, I have told him that I was feeling breathless when lying down for the past two nights which is weird. It may not be related to menstruation symptoms so somehow I told him will take the test for some peace of mind.

   That evening, went out to buy and took the test as soon as I got home. Was actually thinking it's best to test in the morning but somewhat a feeling of excitement made me take the test that very moment.

   And I got very quick positive result, my test showed up dark line within seconds! I felt so surprised, I am so happy I can't even believe it! ^_^ I showed to my hubby right away the positive result, likewise he feels the same way.

So quick response! =)

   The following morning, I tested once again just to make sure and got the same quick response. We're not planning to have another baby yet, but I was thinking of next year already to have our 3rd in God's will. It's just even more exciting to find out you are pregnant in a surprising way like this.

   I remember, 4 years ago, with my second, it happened the same way. We didn't planned it, it just happened. I'm so thankful and blessed to have a new human being growing inside of me. I believe that God has something special for each of us at the right time. God's timing is always perfect!

   Right now, I haven't shared this beautiful news yet to my friends and relatives. Like my first and second, I was waiting for the right time and that is for me to reach my 12th week mark. I just feel more comfortable this way though there are some who knew already, those who had asked and noticed my growing belly. Yes right, at an early stage, I looked like 4-5 months pregnant already similar to my previous ones. ^_^

   A million thanks to God, I couldn't ask for more!

"Heaven sent - a gift of love from up above."

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