Wednesday 17 May 2017

13 Weeks Today!

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 19:47
Inside the Womb at 13 Weeks

Photo courtesy of Pregnancy App

Photo courtesy of The Bump

Photo courtesy of BabyCenter
  1. Your baby has fingerprints. How cool is that?! Her tiny body is 3 inches long and weighs just shy of an ounce.
  2. If it's a girl ... She now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries.
  3. The body is catching up with the head. Her head now makes up one-third of her body instead of one-half.
  4. Your risk of miscarriage is now much lower. In other news, many women notice an increase in sex drive around now.

Child length: approximately 2.91 inches (about the size of a lemon)

Child weight: approximately 0.81 oz/23 grams

At this stage: At 13 weeks pregnant, you’ve grown a fetus that has vocal cords, teeth, and even fingerprints (wow!) and you’ve probably kept this incredible news (mostly) secret while wishing you could shout it from the rooftops. Around week 13 of pregnancy, many parents-to-be start spreading the word that there’s a baby on the way.

   Your baby now has the ability to open and close its fists and to make sucking movements with the muscles in the mouth - it's just a matter of time before the thumb and mouth meet.

   All the organs of your baby's digestive system are developing into their final shapes including the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines. Even your baby's lungs are practicing breathing (but only from the amniotic fluid). The lungs won't actually breathe oxygen from the air until birth.

   The urine that your baby excretes into the amniotic fluid is not harmful and is quickly removed via the umbilical cord.

   Even at this size, it is still difficult to determine the sex on an ultrasound.

Your Body

   Your are now at the beginning of your second trimester. Morning sickness may have become a thing of the past, or it may be making a slow exit. The second trimester is known as the least symptomatic and the most energetic. As you start to feel more like yourself and get that energy surge, you’re going to want to knock a bunch of to-dos off your list.

 You may also begin to notice stretch marks on your breasts, abdomen, and even back.

   It is also possible that you may begin to feel some aches in your abdomen (round ligament pain), which is due to stretching of the ligaments that hold our uterus in place.

Days left to birth: 190 (32% of your pregnancy is completed)

Due date: 23 November 2017

Data Sources: Baby Center, The Bump, Pregnancy App, Due Date Calculator (


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