Sunday 19 May 2013

15 Weeks! :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 22:17
Inside the Womb at 15 Weeks 

Photo courtesy of Babycenter

Child length: approximately 4.3 - 4.7 Inches (about the size of an apple )

Child weight: 3.1 - 3.5 oz

At this stage: Baby's skin has developed but is so thin and translucent that you can see through to its blood vessels. The skeletal and muscular systems continue to develop as your baby slowly becomes more active. Sweat glands work well and the baby can be...sweating.

Some fine hairs, or lanugo, are also developing all over your baby's face. Toenails are starting to form, The head is now erect and not tilted inwards as before. Primitive hearing starts now but it won't be until about 24 weeks that your baby will be able to hear fully.

Some baby's may even starting to suck their thumb around this time. If you've been pregnant before, you may feel your baby start moving at this time. 

Days left to birth: 175

Due date: 11 November 2013

Data Sources: Babycenter, Babybump, I'm Expecting, Pregnancy Assistant & Pregnancy Companion


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