Friday 3 May 2013

Saw My Baby Today! :)

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 02:48
So to keep track of the previous days, April 30 got my very first prenatal check up. I was with my husband, first part of the appointment was the interview wherein they asked me about previous histories like any allergies, diseases, how many pregnancies. I told them I had one full time and one miscarriage same year of 2009. I was also asked about how I gave birth to my first, I told them caesarean and the reason was that I have a small pelvic.

The second part was the blood screening were they took 4 cylinder containers of my blood they say for HIV test, preeclampsia, etc...

I thought I am going to hear the heartbeat but I was not given the chance so a bit sad as I actually can't wait for this day to come then afterwards will not be able to hear one. But when I was given the next prenatal check up appointment for May 16, I was surprised that I was also given an NT Screening which is dated today May 3 (Friday).

Thanks be to God, we were able to see the baby today inside the ultrasound room. The feeling was very overwhelming since my husband is with me and also Amber Jade, my daughter. All of us we're very excited to see the baby. The Sonographer was very accommodating and friendly.

We were given the chance to see the baby in every position. The head and face, the body, those little tiny hands and feet. Seems the baby is also excited to see us as she keeps on wiggling, always moving. We were told the baby is happy inside :) and also normal.

We were not able to know the gender yet as we were told it's not yet possible. Anyway, what matters was that she's healthy and happy.

Thanks be to God for this beautiful moment, such a wonderful blessing...


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