Wednesday, 2 October 2013

34 Weeks 2 Days

Posted by I Am Rachel Zoe's' Mom at 06:39
Inside the Womb at 34 Weeks
Photo courtesy of Babycenter
Photo courtesy of Pregnancy Companion

Child length: approximately 18.5 - 18.9 inches  (about the size of a Canteloupe)

Child weight: approximately 5.5 lbs

At this stage: Most babies finally turn head down.

Your baby has less room to move now and is unable to make full kicks due to the lack of space.

His or her immune system continues to develop, getting strong in preparation for life outside your belly.

It is important to get calcium this week because the bay is hardening its skeletal structure. Your baby will be fine if you do not get enough calcium, but you will not be because your baby will be taking the calcium from your own bones to supplement the development. So be sure to get that extra calcium (in prenatal vitamin and food form) for both of you.

You might be noticing some more pain in your ribs due to your enlarging uterus, and you might be having some pain and numbness around your belly button due to the stretching of the skin. This is common and usually not dangerous.

 - Oh! This was what I've been feeling for the past few days, very hard to lay down in bed as I feel spasm from both of my ribs. 

You may also experience more aches and pains in your pelvic area. The baby's weight, along with the pregnancy hormone relaxin, causes your pelvic joints to expand in preparation for delivery. In addition, contractions may become more frequent, another sign that your body is preparing for your baby's arrival.

Sleeping may be extremely difficult. While part of this is due to the physical effects of pregnancy, another part may be due to anxiety. Try to relax as much as possible.

As you waddle around at this stage, you may feel like the baby is about to fall out of your pelvis. (She won't. If only delivery were that easy!)

Days left to birth: 40

Due date: 11 November 2013

Data Sources: Babycenter, I'm Expecting, Pregnancy Assistant, Pregnancy Companion & Pregnancy Guide

"God willing, 5 more weeks to go... Almost there!"


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