Inside the Womb at 18 Weeks
Photo courtesy of Babycenter
Child length: approximately 7.8 Inches (about the size of a large bellpepper)
Child weight: 7.1 - 8.5 oz
At this stage: Your baby's ears are approaching their final position. Your baby's eyes are also beginning to face forward and the retinas may be able to detect light. The skin of the fetus begins to produce embryonic vernix.
Your baby's brain is developing rapidly. Hair is growing and vernix is increasing in amount. Many of the bones in your baby's body are starting to harden. Among this first bones to develop is the inner ear which is part of the reason why your baby might be able to hear sounds such as your heart beating or your tummy growling.
Photo courtesy of Great Landings (blog)
The meconium (early fecal waste matter) will start to collect in the baby's intestines. The baby's heart is starting to build up muscle and pump about 25 - 30 quarts of blood a day.
Hiccups appear.
Days left to birth: 154
Due date: 11 November 2013
Data Sources: Babycenter, Baby Bump, I'm Expecting, Pregnancy Assistant & Pregnancy Companion
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